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제 13 호 SMU Cultural Complex : The First-ever DiSAF

  • 작성일 2022-03-02
  • 좋아요 Like 1
  • 조회수 9022

Kicker : SM NEWS (DiSAF)

SMU Cultural Complex : The First-ever DiSAF

SMU Introduces New Platform

Do-Hyuk Kim, Reporter


  Ever-expanding COVID-19 is still with us after two years from its first introduction to the world, making showcasing and savoring art to be much difficult than ever before. The only way to consume art for now is to look up online, or in spaces formed in augmented reality. SMU has always tried their best to provide high quality digital contents, so SMU had to have a blue-sky thinking of forming new place for SMU students to share their artworks and ones who want to enjoy them. What SMU came up with is a ‘DiSAF’, the first of its kind. DiSAF is an entirely new platform for everyone to take a closer look at SMU’s various artists, gathering sixteen culture and art-related departments of SMU in one place. Let me introduce you to the freshly unveiled DiSAF.

  DiSAF selected its own first topic as ‘Beyond the paradox of connectedness.’ Since this is a hard time withstanding COVID-19, the committee of DiSAF chose the topic which would best represent what students of SMU experienced and artists of SMU would be most likely to depict. Humans consistently cooperate and disintegrate during their interaction, but unexpected appearance of social distancing made connection between individuals riskier than ever. DiSAF rose up from the ground to become a solution, and so it did terrifically. DiSAF embodies hundreds of productions in one single place via online, while collecting four-hundred students of SMU to the uncharted, billions of inhabitants on the internet.

  To help these tons of anticipated spectators, DiSAF features several kinds of assistance for people who visit the DiSAF page. Each work of art has got a hashtag for classification from eighty-four topics, which include something broad like ‘Design’, ‘Entertainment’, ‘Living’, ‘Craftwork’ to rather unique ‘Photo Journalism’, ‘Sensitivity’, ‘Fabric.’ If visitor clicks each hashtag, related productions can be appreciated without any further actions. This means DiSAF was carefully considered from its development phase and anyone who visit can take a look without a single hassle. I was especially drawn to the hashtag ‘Modern’, since it was the theme which included the second biggest number of artworks and was the topic I was deeply interested in. Hashtag ‘modern’ embodies several different forms of art, ranging from paintwork to forever-unseen unique kind of dance. There are much more interesting artworks designated to different hashtags too, so checking it out would be a brilliant idea.

  Another way to enjoy DiSAF is to use the ‘Slide-Show’ feature prepared for ease of its use. This cool feature shows the best of the best within hundreds of brilliant works done by SMU students, so picking up great art while time is rushing out has never been so easy. As mentioned earlier before, a total of sixteen art-related majors took part in DiSAF. You can also organize these artworks by major which contributed to producing these various pieces of art. Any expectation you can throw on the online art consuming platform, DiSAF is already prepared from its launch and has got you covered. 

  DiSAF made its hot debut from February 7th, and it was definitely a flying start. The head of the DiSAF organizing committee, the President of SMU Sung-Tae Hong proudly represented DiSAF announcing, “SMU has always committed to be focused on students and education, targeting to raise a talented masters of future society. DiSAF shows how students of SMU endlessly experimented, built and improved their artistic experiences by these wide selections of artworks. I hope to give compliments to SMU and SMU’s students making a bold new step and our future.” Indeed, the launch of DiSAF made a great opportunity for both SMU students and further spectators. I hope to see a greater scale of DiSAF in upcoming years, and I expect that all of us feel the same.

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